POLICY BRIEF 7 of 2015 – MIGRATION WORKSHOP, 16 October 2015, Pretoria

In the spirit of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, the Southern African Liaison Office (SALO) hosted a dialogue to advocate for Goal 16 on Peaceful and Inclusive Societies and breaking down the silos of peace-building to leave no one behind, especially migrants. This multi-stakeholder dialogue took place on 16 October 2015 and it hosted a range of actors stemming from European and African diplomats, South African Security and Foreign Policy apparatus, migrants, academic institutions and civil society organisations.  The diverse set of attendees assisted with the identification of key policy issues and recommendations falling within the prism of development and the intra-continental trends of African migration. The aim of the discussion was to contribute to the 21-22 October 2015 High Level Seminar for African Union (AU) and European Union (EU) diplomats, Addis Abba with the key objectives:

  1. Address some of the misunderstandings when it comes to refugees and migration;
  2. Solicit views from South Africa (SA) based policy makers, diplomats, academics and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on how best to deal with current patterns of migration and mobility;
  3. Facilitate engagement EU and SA government and stakeholder on migration and mobility, in order to draw lessons and promote knowledge exchange;
  4. Explore both challenges and opportunities that intra-African and Africa-Europe migration presents.

READ FULL POLICY BRIEF HERE: Policy Brief 7 of 2015 Workshop on Migration – 16-10-15