SALO Public Policy Dialogue: Tracking Economic and Political Developments in Zimbabwe -24 June 2021

SALO, in partnership with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, held a public policy dialogue discussing Zimbabwe’s current political economy with speakers Mabel Nederlof Sitole, Dr Ibbo Mandaza, and Dr Phillan Zamchiya. 

Dr Ibbo Mandaza spoke about a recent World Bank Report (Zimbabwe Economic Update, June 2021: Overcoming Economic Challenges, Natural Disasters, and the Pandemic – Social and Economic Impacts) and International Monetary Fund Findings (IMF Staff Concludes Virtual Staff Visit to Zimbabwe) which paints a positive picture for Zimbabwe’s economic future. He gave an interesting analysis of the reality of these reports, and the shallow economic upturns that these portray. Dr Phillan gave his analysis on the recent Afrobarometer survey that was published on the views of Zimbabweans about, among other things, their (dis)satisfaction with the economy. Lastly, Mabel Nederlof Sithole spoke about the youth in Zimbabwe and the plight that the youth and children face in the country and discussed the paper she co-authored titled ‘Navigating Turbulence in Zimbabwe‘ This dialogue was eye-opening and thought-provoking. To gain full access to this analysis, click here to view the recording.