Swaziland – 18 March 2016
New Germany, Singapore ambassadors for Swaziland
Swaziland’s King Mswati III today received letters of credence from Germany and Singapore Ambassadors to Swaziland at the Lozitha Royal Palace, APA reports on Thursday.When meeting Walter Lindner from Germany and Chua Thai-Keong from Singapore, the king expressed hope that the two countries will support Swaziland in its vision to achieve the First World status by 2022.
Govt Fights Move To Stop Purchase Of E170m Cars
Government is opposing the application to stop the purchase of vehicles worth over E170 million. The State intends to purchase 400 vehicles amounting to E170 854 759, the beneficiaries being the police, defence, Correctional Services and the King’s Office.
On Wednesday the Swaziland Public Procurement Regulatory Agency (SPPRA) filed an application in the High Court where it is, inter alia, seeking an order to stop the purchasing of the vehicles. Through the office of the Attorney General, government has since filed a notice of intention to oppose the application filed by the agency. The reasons for opposing the application will be outlined in the answering papers government is expected to file soon.
Time of Swaziland